Promptly Optimize Your Prompts with Prompter

Promptly Optimize Your Prompts with Prompter

Promptly Optimize Your Prompts with Prompter

Best OpenAI Playground alternative
that revolutionizes your workflow.

Best OpenAI Playground alternative
that revolutionizes your workflow.

Best OpenAI Playground alternative
that revolutionizes your workflow.

Experience simplicity and efficiency in optimizing, managing, and perfecting your prompts with our innovative tool.

Experience simplicity and efficiency in optimizing, managing, and perfecting your prompts with our innovative tool.

Experience simplicity and efficiency in optimizing, managing, and perfecting your prompts with our innovative tool.




Forever free

Up to 3 prompts

Latest 100 history records per prompt

Get Started




Billed annually

Unlimited prompts

Unlimited history records

Go Plus



What is Prompter?

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What LLMs are supported?

Why choose Prompter over OpenAI Playground?

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